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  1. According to this story Stabæk is interested in Lyn winger Teddy Bjarnason along with Viking Stavanger, Coventry City and Le Mans. http://www.fotbolti.net/fullStory.php?acti...ry&id=74832
  2. Hi there, apparently Stabæk are after Icelandic wonderkid, 15 yr old Ingolfur Sigurdsson. I spoke with a sportsjournalist today about him and he said Stabæk along with few other clubs in Norway want to sign him. He is a very good young player and a future Iceland international - in fact he is a different level than Veigar Pall Gunnarsson was at that age. This story was in Icelandic media yesterday about ''Ingó" and he has been likened to Ryan Giggs by some Norwegain football expert: http://fotbolti.net/fullStory.php?action=v...ry&id=74249
  3. Icelandic media now reporting by "reliable sources" that the transfer fee is over 40 million Icelandic kronurs and that Palmason is the 2nd most expensive player to leave Iceland EVER! Only Hermann Hreidarsson was more expensive when he joined Crystal Palace from IBV back in the latter part of the nineties.
  4. Palmason is of course in the team of the rounds from 1-11 in the Icelandic league: http://www.visir.is/article/20080715/IDROTTIR0101/557536212
  5. Icelandic media say the transfer fee for Palmason is close to 30 million Icelandic Kronur that is about 2 million Norwegian, Valur also sold a player to Brann today for 20 million Icelandic Kronur.
  6. Saw this on the Fredrikstad Forum when he was on trial in january 2007: Palmi Rafn Palmason (21): Dette er dagens gledelige overraskelse! Var god med ballen, flink til å posisjonere seg, bevegelig, rolig og flink til å løse opp spillet. I løpet av hele treninga telte jeg bare 1 feilpasning fra denne mannen. Virker som en perfekt type i en ankerrolle på midten. Var veldig flink til å ligge riktig, bryte angrep og snappe opp baller i ingenmannsland. Han var også meget dyktig til å starte angrep, slo gode offensive pasninger. Snakket litt med Terje Jensen på slutten av treninga, han skrøt veldig av Palmi, og til min glede mente han også at Palmi kan bli meget god i en ankerrolle på midten! Han sa også at Raymond hadde sagt noe sånn som at man kan se det når noen har det lille ekstra, og det mente Raymond at Palmi har i form av en veldig ro i spillet sitt. http://www.ffksupporter.net/forum/emne.php...8797&side=3
  7. When Palmason was younger Stuart Pearce, the then manager of Man City, travelled twice to Iceland to watch him play. He said he was a very promising player but that he was looking for players in the starting 11 and Palmason would only be a squad player at first. He then went on trial at City and did very well. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...ity/4508177.stm
  8. Palmason has not been selected to play for Valur against BATE in the Champions League pre-qualification match today. Guess he is travelling to Norway as we speak.
  9. Confirmed by Stabæk: http://www.stabak.no/content/view/2831/2/ BTW Palmason is 10 times the player Stefan Gislason, formerly of Lyn is, and is ahead of him in the national team.
  10. Congratulations you have just signed Palmi Palmason. Confirmed in Icelandic media, without a doubt the best player to play in Iceland in recent years. Better footballer that Veigar, excellent first touch, great passing ability and technique. Again congratulations in signing a great player. The transfer fee has not been disclosed but Valur said they got an offer they couldnt refuse.
  11. Takk fyrir. Hefuru sjálfur einhverja skoðun á Pálma? (Takk. Har du selv noen formening om spilleren? Já, hann er án nokkurs vafa hæfileikaríkasti leikmaðurinn á Íslandi í dag. Með góða tækni, skotviss og góða sendingagetu.
  12. The story from Fotbolti.net translated: Stabæk consider Palmason offer As Fotbolti.net has reported before Norwegian Premiership club Stabæk has been showing a keen interest in Valur midfielder, Palmi Rafn Palmason, during this summer. “Palmi is an interesting player and it is possible that he will become a player at Stabæk,” Tom Schelvan, Stabæks sporting director, told Fotbolti.net. Schelvan emphisized that Stabæk had not been in contact with Valur regarding Palmason yet. “We have had no discussions with Valur because this matter isnt that far along. We intend to look at Palmi again and after that we will make a decision.” Fotbolti.net reported earlier today that Anderlecht scouts watched Palmason in action for Valur on Sunday but Schelvan said that doesnt change Stabæks view on things. Stabæk have been in negotiations with Bröndbys danish midfielder Martin Retov but he joined German outfit Hansa Rostock yesterday, further enhancing Palmasons chances in joining the Norwegian club. Scouts from Swedish champions IFK Gothenborg were also in attendance on Sunday watching Palmason but Hakan Mild, the clubs sporting director, refused to comment on the matter.
  13. http://www.fotbolti.net/fullStory.php?acti...ry&id=63825
  14. Stabæk to miss out on Palmason? According to Icelandic media Stabæk are on the verge of making an offer for Icelandic midfielder Palmi Palmason from Valur. He scored 2 goals again yesterday in the league, now 7 goals in 10 games. Last nights goals here, about 3 min into the clip: http://vefmidlar.visir.is/VefTV/?channelID...5d-3f833b910e0c However dozens of scouts were at the game yesterday watching him, from clubs in Norway, Holland, Belgium, France and Scotland (Celtic).
  15. Some clips of Palmasons goals since the start of the Icelandic season last month: Against KÍ in the Atlantic cup (The Icelandic and Faroe Islands champions play), at the end of April. 2 goals at 2:25 and 2:50. http://vefmidlar.visir.is/VefTV/?channelID...2a-f93b7a352f02 Against Fram in the League Cup Final, Mai 1st. 1 goal at 1:20 http://vefmidlar.visir.is/VefTV/?channelID...30-6e1bc12ee733 Against FH in the Icelandic Community Shield, Mai, 4th. 2 goals at 0:56 and 1:10. http://vefmidlar.visir.is/VefTV/?channelID...62-5107dc96ea97 Against Grindvík in the 2nd round of the Icelandic Premiership, Mai 14th. 3 goals at 0:39, 1:10, 1:28. http://vefmidlar.visir.is/VefTV/?channelID...dd-cf07d305d70f Against Fjölnir the 4th round of the Icelandic Premiership 1 goal at 4:06. http://vefmidlar.visir.is/VefTV/?channelID...48-623e69d79735
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