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Om fox14

  • Bursdag 23. aug. 1983

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    hockey, football

Previous Fields

  • Klubben i mitt hjerte
    HC Khimvolokno

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  1. here is an extended version (with some footage of stabak supporters) of video-summary i'vo posted in my previous messgae
  2. here you can find a short video-summary of yesterdays game
  3. here and here you can find a couple pictures of todays game.. it was really a nice match, but unfortunatly there has to be only one winner.... and a special respect goes to four norwegian fans who came a pretty long way to support their team.... good luck!
  4. Greetings to all Stabek supporters from Mogilev!!! We're really looking forward to the game and hope you'll come to our city to support your team. If you need any help or have any questions concerning coming to Mogilev and staying here - feel free to ask.
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