furtho 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Good result, congratulations everyone. Thanks furtho. I was hoping for a win but hopefully it will be sufficient. It was a strange game, I think. I wish I could say that the away goal would be decisive but to be quite honest I don't think the tie is over yet. Tirana are a strong, physical team and although they didn't create many chances it may still be a difficult game next week. Of course I wish Stabaek and Daigo the best of luck! Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Fy faan 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Jeg er strålende fornøyd med 1-1!!! HERLIG GUTTA! Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Kjetil 34 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Ja, takk for linken til streamen. Spesielt når jeg ser "dekningen" på Nettavisen. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Kjempeblaa 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Good result, congratulations everyone. Thanks furtho. I was hoping for a win but hopefully it will be sufficient. It was a strange game, I think. I wish I could say that the away goal would be decisive but to be quite honest I don't think the tie is over yet. Tirana are a strong, physical team and although they didn't create many chances it may still be a difficult game next week. Of course I wish Stabaek and Daigo the best of luck! It was an even game, but you will meet at tough game in Telenor Arena. Are you used to artificial grass? Endret 15. Juli 2009 av Kjempeblaa Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
frilin 2 339 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Jeg vil bli skuffet om vi ikke totalt spiller dem ut paa TA. Med vanlig Stabaek spill skal vi slaa dem ganske enkelt synes naa jeg. Jeg ser i hvertfall ingen grunn til aa overvurdere dem etter denne kampen. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
furtho 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Good result, congratulations everyone. Thanks furtho. I was hoping for a win but hopefully it will be sufficient. It was a strange game, I think. I wish I could say that the away goal would be decisive but to be quite honest I don't think the tie is over yet. Tirana are a strong, physical team and although they didn't create many chances it may still be a difficult game next week. Of course I wish Stabaek and Daigo the best of luck! It was an even game, but you will meet at tough game in Telenor Arena. Are you used to artificial grass? Kjempeblaa, I'm an Omiya Ardija supporter - I want you guys to win! Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
BlaaAlltid 531 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Herlig med stream så vi kunne se kampen, og selv om innsatsen ikke var allverden, så er resultatet veldig bra. Vi må være fornøyd, gitt at Stabæk øker innsatsen og tempoet et par hakk til hjemmemøtet. Dette vinner vi! Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
janzinho 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Vi ligger for lavt, men får håpe vi går høyere på telenor arena. Inte konstigt på bortaplan i 100 graders värme. Inte ens storlagen (förutom Barca då givetvis ) brukar åka till bortaplan och försöka föra spelet. Tycker vi gjorde precis det man ska göra i spel på bortaplan i europa, inte förlora och göra ett bortamål. Kalmar i sverige klarade inte av det ikväll, trots att dom visat bra form, stryk med 2-0 borta och verkar i stort sett va borta ifrån CL. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
KOJ 702 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Så dere ham på kampen - hvis ikke har vi fått en ny spiss ;-) Herlig VG ! (Edit: Regner med at de oppdaterer siden snart - så tok en prt sc) Endret 15. Juli 2009 av KOJ Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
BlaaDrømArena 84 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Umulig å ikke være fornøyd med bortemål og uavgjort borte i Europa. Et godt utgangspunkt foran hjemmekampen. Spiller vi ballen hurtig hjemme tar vi dette lett. Er vi profesjonelle og skjerpet i TA kan vi glede oss til minst 4 nye kamper i Europa. Fortsatt spenning i oppgjøret vil kanskje bety mer folk, mer stemning og mer penger til Stabæk neste uke. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
I A Hagen 19 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Umulig å ikke være fornøyd med bortemål og uavgjort borte i Europa. Et godt utgangspunkt foran hjemmekampen. Spiller vi ballen hurtig hjemme tar vi dette lett. Er vi profesjonelle og skjerpet i TA kan vi glede oss til minst 4 nye kamper i Europa. Fortsatt spenning i oppgjøret vil kanskje bety mer folk, mer stemning og mer penger til Stabæk neste uke. Satser på det! Fantastisk stemning på puben i kveld!! Veldig moro å være StabækSupporter Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
storeslem 1 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 varsles overkjøring på festüng fornebu Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
BelgiskBlaa 3 144 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Bare jeg som syns dommeren blåste VEL mye? Greit at han var rettferdig og blåste begge veier, men jeg tror ikke ballen var i spill et helt minutt (sett bort fra innkast etc.) uten at han blåste en eneste gang i kampen. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
knyst 552 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Jeg er forsåvidt fornøyd med resultatet. MEN jeg er ikke fornøyd med byttene. Syns Keller skulle blitt skjøvet ned på høyreback (ut med Morten) og inn med Hoff. Hoff burde også fått kommet inn litt tidligere enn hva han gjorde. Litt friske bein og løpsvilje gjør seg! Jeg kommer til å bli sprø av de Tirana-spillerene hvis de skal drive å legge seg ned på TA også... Vi får vel forhåpentlig en dommer som tør å dømme for skuespill her i Norge! Vi skal vinne på hjemmebane! Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Saurus rex 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Greeting Stabaek supporters! From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. Endret 15. Juli 2009 av Saurus rex Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
AndersBD 1 000 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. Well, we did draw with you on your home turf, so if we aren't better than FK Borat Kazakhstan, neither are you. Endret 15. Juli 2009 av AndersBD Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
pauligirl 236 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 jeg er fornöyd med resultatet. men er litt avventende angaaende hjemmekampen. selv om vi har hjemmefordelen kan det komme til aa bli vanskelig. har derfor ingen altfor höye forventninger, men gleder med til kampen - uansett hva som skjer Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
janzinho 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. This is how most teams play in europe, dont loose and preferably score a goal on your away games and win at home. Even the big teams mostly play after this strategy. I am sure tonights result will be enough for stabaek to go thru to the next round. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
loudness 303 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. Well, we did draw with you on your home turf, so if we aren't better than FK Borat Kazakhstan, neither are you. Fylle rør å ralling. we were down in Albania to get a draw, we got it, get over it. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Saurus rex 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. Well, we did draw with you on your home turf, so if we aren't better than FK Borat Kazakhstan, neither are you. Fylle rør å ralling. we were down in Albania to get a draw, we got it, get over it. Please dont tell me that you hope a guaranteed 0-0 in your home match Endret 15. Juli 2009 av Saurus rex Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Bjørn 9 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
loudness 303 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. Well, we did draw with you on your home turf, so if we aren't better than FK Borat Kazakhstan, neither are you. Fylle rør å ralling. we were down in Albania to get a draw, we got it, get over it. Please dont me that you hope a guaranteed 0-0 in your home match first of all, we were away team. and another thing we were away, at away YOU better play better.... Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Kjempeblaa 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Please dont tell me that you hope a guaranteed 0-0 in your home match Of course not, but 0-0 will still be enough to get to the 3d round. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Saurus rex 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Please dont tell me that you hope a guaranteed 0-0 in your home match Of course not, but 0-0 will still be enough to get to the 3d round. I would truly like Stabaek players think this way Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
superblaa 1 465 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Fint resultat, tidvis godkjent spill til å være på bortebane. Vi møter et brukbart lag, og husk at vi ikke har vært allverden sterke på bortebane i år, så det var ingen grunn til at vi plutselig skulle være så mye bedre nå. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Kjempeblaa 0 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Please dont tell me that you hope a guaranteed 0-0 in your home match Of course not, but 0-0 will still be enough to get to the 3d round. I would truly like Stabaek players think this way Stabæk will go for a big win, but you never know in football. If we some how are not able to score, we can at least prevent Tirana from doing it, and still come through. Endret 15. Juli 2009 av Kjempeblaa Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
jongje 9 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 yap, yap, yap. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Agree Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Kjetil 34 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 (endret) Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength, and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! Isn´t it somewhat misguided for a team not to use ones strenghts when playing at home? By the way, Tirana didn´t have ten shots at scoring. I counted three. Four if you stretch it. Endret 15. Juli 2009 av Kjetil Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Stuart 1 839 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Greeting Stabaek supporters!From your comments and from first match result,I see you feel optimistic,but let me tell you that I expected a far better team that the one that played tonight against Tirana.From what I noticed,I would rank FK Aktobe Kazakhstan a better team that Stabaek IF. Stabaek came and played for a draw and players looked frightened in the pitch!Should Tirana had played in its full power and strength and use at least 50 % of their possibilities,game would surely end at least 4-0! I dont know how this team will be in their own soil,despite I expect a far better opponent this time,however I would consider this tie a very difficult to predict,even though you will play second leg in Telenor Arena!Hope we see a better match than the one we saw and may best team go through. Grretings Tirana supporters! From your comments I can see that you are really pissed off about only getting a draw tonight. Let me tell you that I expected Tirana to be a far better team than the one that played tonight against Stabæk. I would rank Lillestrøm as a better team than Tirana. You are surprised that Stabæk came and played for a draw?? - Welcome to European football! We had a job to do tonight and we did it. Congratulations on getting away with those disgusting, dirty tackles too. You guys should have had four or five yellow cards tonight. If I were you, I would save my opinions about Stabæk until after the return match next week. You had better pray that we don't play at our best next week or you guys will have an embarrassing night. (And I'm being serious.) Welcome to Telenor Arena! Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Haakin 18 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Del Skrevet 15. Juli 2009 Jeg syntes tirana var et helt middelmådig lag, som vi burde gruse på hjemmebane, spørsmålet blir om vi klarer å samle noe særlig med supportere.. Lenke til innlegg Del på andre sider More sharing options...
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